- The Board of Directors (“The Board”) of Seers Berhad is committed to achieving and maintaining the highest standard of work ethics in the conduct of business. To promote and maintain high transparency and accountability in the workplace, The Board wishes to provide all employees of the Group and members of the public with mechanisms to confidentially and anonymously bring to the attention of The Board any concerns related to matters covered by the Company’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, legal issues and accounting or audit matters., but also
- Negligence in carrying out work obligations;
- Fraud;
- Corruption, bribery or blackmail;
- Criminal offences;
- Failure to comply with legal or regulatory obligation;
- Miscarriage of justice;
- Endangerment of an individual’s health and safety; and
- Concealment of any, or a combination, of the above.
- The objective of this Whistle-Blowing Policy is for the employees and the members of the public to raise the matters in an independent and unbiased manner. Employees and the members of the public are not required to prove the cases but rather to provide sufficient information for the management to take appropriate steps.
- The Board and the management give their assurance that employees and the members of the public will not be at risk to any form of victimization, retribution or retaliation from their superiors or from any of his management. However, employees and the members of the public must act in good faith in their reporting. This assurance does not however extend to those who are found to have raised the matter under false or malicious intention.
- The identity and personal information of the whistleblower will be protected and kept confidential even during the trial in court unless the whistleblower agrees otherwise or unless otherwise required by law. The whistleblower will be protected from reprisal, including any form of harassment and victimisation, as a consequence of his disclosure. Whistleblower also should not be liable to any civil action, criminal or disciplinary consequences of such disclosure.
- Any attempt to retaliate, victimize or intimidate against whistleblower making report in good faith is a serious violation of Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 and shall be dealt with serious disciplinary actions and procedures. The whistleblower will be protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 if he or she makes a disclosure in good faith to an enforcement agency.
- The report can be communicated in writing via mail or email. The complaint should be addressed:
Name Ms Kelly Neng Kuan Sen, Independent Director of The Board Email kellyneng@ecoasia-my.com Mail (mark “Strictly Confidential to be opened by the addressee ONLY”) Seers Berhad
No. 4, Jalan Utarid U5/18A,
Seksyen U5,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
Attention: Chairman of The Board - Notwithstanding the above and as provided by the law, employees may report illegal or unethical practices directly to the statutory bodies such as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Security Commission, the Police or other similar government agencies in other countries where the business is located.